Imeowit-tv di Vischi Michele


iMeowit-tv is a company that sells refurbished products on the European market. Devices are graded according to consistent aesthetic criteria and subjected to comprehensive diagnostic and functional testing. Testing and refurbishment work is carried out by our team of specialists using Phonecheck testing software. Our products are analysed by testing approximately 70 hardware parts and are only marketed if they are 100% functional and with a minimum of 85% battery health. We use DHL Express for delivery and our products are shipped with a charger and charging cable, packed securely.

Tietoa myyjästä

Company name: iMeowit-tv di Vischi Michele
Display name: iMeowit-tv
Street: Via Nazionale, 90
Post code: 52019
City: Ponticino Laterina Pergine Valdarno
Country: Italy

Phone: 00393409550107

Tax identification number: IT02352120519
Commercial register number: AR 202993

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