Toredo Shop


At Toredo Shop, we specialize in offering top-notch refurbished consumer electronics at fair prices. Our diverse selection includes high-quality refurbished products, ranging from smartphones and tablets to smart home devices. What sets us apart is our commitment to sustainability and customer satisfaction. For every refurbished product sold, we plant a tree, emphasizing our dedication to the environment. Our products, sourced from customer returns, display models, and special open-box deals, undergo rigorous quality checks to ensure they meet high standards. With Toredo, customers enjoy the perfect blend of quality, reliability, and eco-conscious shopping.

Tietoa myyjästä

Company name: HS Sales GmbH
Display name: Toredo Shop
Street: Drygalski-Allee 33B
Post code: 81477
City: München
Country: Germany

Phone: +498978072546

Tax identification number: DE315223507
Commercial register number: HRB 237046

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